
honey, everyone does.

o well, a kiss then.

Will someone please call a surgeon?
who can crack my ribs n repair this broken heart..

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothin better
then makin you my bride n slowly growing old together?

..Anyway, navigations are at the top

ABOUT ME {what i've}
{been looking for}
TAG {all this time}

ooo i wanna travel all around e world.
*DISCLAIMER: i'm not emo.

Monday, February 16, 2009
soon.soon. 12:32 AM

Things to do really really SOON that I've been planning to do but can't find e time yet:
1. reply piggy's message
2. reply kristin's message
3. check my facebook
4. clean n tidy my room
5. wash clothes
everythings a mess rite now thanx to midterms n GAYA plus SMUKI stuffs to do. anyway really glad that GAYA's progressin well,,heheheee

o no. another song that i cant stop playin in my mind: Unintended by MUSE. enjoy!

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one Ill always love
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one Ill always love

Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one Ill always love

Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Ill be there as soon as I can
But Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Before you

Thursday, January 29, 2009
haha.spaaaaamm 6:05 PM

..it all started when e hostel management sent this email:

..o well print screen's not workin so i'll just type it then..

Hostel management:

Subject: [Hostel] Silent Hours Reminder

Hello Everyone, There have been some complaints regarding the noise level in
the hostel after silent hours. Please do remember that silent hours in the
hostel are from 12am to 8am. Kindly be considerate and adhere to the silent
hours so as to prevent any inconvenience to the hostel residents. Thank you.

Hostel Management Team


To: SHI Fei Ran; LOW Wan Ting; LIM Fern Yit; ARVIND Rajendran; OKKAR Kyaw; Kristin LOO Shi Qi; Jason LIEW

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is it us????


never me. must be you!!


Haaaaah?? No. Must be fei ran..

Fern Yit:

Concluded, jess, fei ran and wan ting. CC to kok siong.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nah must be e guys..all e girls in hostel are so quiet and shy

Fern Yit:

Shy my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your ass is shy??

Fern Yit:

Yea. That’s why it’s covered.


Then i think you should cover your head instead papa coz its bigger than your ass x)

Fern Yit:

You should cover your cheeks too. coz when I squeeze them together it looks like an ass on your face =P


stop fighting, bastards. bababababbaba.gong xi gong xi.



Fern Yit:



Hahhahahhahahaa poor fei ran i think she’ll faint when she check her inbox,, Woohoo spamming spree!!! X)



ckckck..look what dota can do to you? worse than drugs man


Stop stop stop what what what??? *annoying mode: on*


You are already annoying enough without turning on your annoying mode!!! Someone sit on Jess!!!

Fei Ran:

u guys........... SPAM !!!! *with super big red font x)

..n thats e end of our spamming spree. hail spamming!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
o no my longest post so far 2:30 AM

reply for mommy Kristin's message:
MOMMY!!!!! *run* *HUGS* *wont let go* *fall asleep*
Sorry can’t reply your message in e facebook coz im back in SMUKI busy mode again somehow n dun hav time to take care of my facebook T____________T *bye bye new year resolution* OMG!!! HOW ARE YOU?? Meet nice people yet?? Have you tidy up your room or luggage?? Hows e house?? Hows Sweden?? Is it really cold?? Must update me k!! Hehhehehehe

Dun worry mamiii its normal to feel lonely coz you’re still new,, besides its your first time staying abroad so leaving home might be difficult for you..e first time i went to Singapore i cried in indonesia’s airport all-the-waaaaaaaaaay to changi,,hahhahaa *dun tell anyone tho* really,,sooner or later you will find someone like yourself there,,play with e locals eh mami!! I want an ang mo papa remember??hehehehe o yeah shops close early..same as Australia,,5pm n nowhere to shop n i woke up at 1pm after sleeping very late e night before,,by e time i finished showering n stuffs,,i only hav at most 2 hours to shop!! Grrrrr,, haha mami sooner or later you’ll learn to cook so when you’re back you can cook for us,,x)

YES COCKROACH!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i almost died. Seriously. It was really scary,, i played dota till 3 hen supper till 4 but i couldn’t sleep yet coz ive morning class (ma) n i haven’t done e homework,,e worst part is i just knew that i MUST submit e homework to e ta..o well..so at around 5 am im still doin ma when suddenly i saw a cockroach crawling in my room from outside!!! OMG..just remembering it makes me dizzy..somehow i didn’t shout but i ran to uncle’s room n asked her whether i can sleep at her room,,but to think of it again,,i couldn’t just sleep becoz:
1. My ma hooow??
2. E cockroach may give birth inside my room if i dun kill it straightaway!!
N so with all my might i went back to our unit n pushed a chair to prevent my room’s door from closing,,then i stood on e chair,,carryin a broom,,yelling at e cockroach to come out n try to make sound n poke here and there with e broom so e cockroach would come out. No use. I was so desperate dunno what to do T_______T


Okkar came with a baygon can,, *fastforwardin e story* and..he killed e cockroach and my life was once more fine again,,

Anyway bout school,,i still haven’t done a single reading yet..which is very bad coz i wanted to. Instead: i played DOTA EVERY SINGLE NITE..sick. we usually end at 3/4/even 5..i didn’t get enough sleep,, there’s one day when i only slept for 1 hour coz of DOTA ,, e morning after that ive morning n noon classes,,then GAYA training till 5,,5-6 i watched Voix performance,,then i went back to shower for awhile,,then went to Victoria theatre to watch IndanCity production,, rushed back to cathay (it was crazy!! E performance finished at 10.30pm n e movie in cathay started at 10.30pm!!) n watch ip man,,which was REALLY REALLY GOOD. Omg. I didn’t expect a movie with such a weird title to be that good.
sorry uncle leann for not trusting you,,xp
hehe theeeeeeeen,,i played DOTA again till 5 n slept for 10 hours but e next day i only slept for about 3 or 4 hours,,n that was e kind of life im havin now,, But im gonna stop. Hehe. I wont play DOTA anymore. you know mami,, 1 of my friends offered to buy me lunch if i can stop for a week,,another friend will buy me 5days meal at koufu if i can stop for 1 month. YAAAAAY!! Ive incentives to stop playin DOTA!!

Hahahahahaha now you know how i feel everytime i got lost,,o yeah i got lost when i was tryin to find Victoria theatre,, i tried to find 3 bus stops which were all wrong,,then i walked to city hall n gave up on bus but e people there dunno wheres Victoria theatre!! So i asked for esplanade but on e way i asked another person for Victoria theatre then that person pointed to opposite direction,,then i ended up in some scary alley with a drunken looking ang mo so i ran even tho maybe he was just happened to be drunk there n wont do anything,,anyway i was freaked out n ran,,with high heels..anyway its a very long story n i ended up spending 50 mins to go to e theatre n late about 30 mins or so..o well. So whenever you got lost,,remember me n remember how lucky you are to be at least born with a sense of direction..hehehee

O yeah n Yen likes to cook weird-smelling food now..i started to buy air freshener,, and poor Anh there was a day when i went back quite late n she was outside but it was really smelly so i asked whether she smelled that too she said yes it was Yen’s food’s smell n she even brought e food inside their room,,n that there was no use telling Yen coz she will get offended,,i suspected that was why Anh was outside,, ooo!!n they stopped playing lock-e-door..hehe but there was a time when..o no,,its only less a week since you’ve gone n i already hav so much things to tell you!! Aaaaargh,,i need to go practice now,,talk to ya later k mommy,,n ill post this in my blog just in case your outlook still not workin!! X)

Miss yaaa!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
be.grateful. 5:58 AM

be grateful for the pain that you feel.

even pain is a blessing

some children are born without e ability to feel pain
my first reaction was to think, "she's so lucky!"
did she?
she kept on biting her arms or lips or tounge
till it bled but she didn't feel a single thing
no cry
no scream
not a single expression
when her parents came and saw her
she was already half dying
becauce of blood loss

if pain is a blessing,
i believe you can find much more things
that you can stop hating n regretting
remember that everythin exists for a reason
without cry you won't recognize smile
without hatred you won't feel love
without sadness you won't know happiness

be grateful

Monday, January 12, 2009
puh-lease 10:44 PM


2 days ago e first thing i noticed when i woke up was juhi [dried squid] smell..and i quickly went to buy air freshener..which work really really well..but now my room smells like juhi again!!! whyyy oooo whyyyyyyy

at times like these..i really hate it when somebody's cookin outside,, this hostel unit wasn't designed for people doin serious cookin!

o come ooooon

at least when you cook make sure that your food smells good not smells like juhi!! >.< why would people eat sumthin that smells so bad anyway!! grrrrrrrrr

To Kill a Mockingbird 10:35 PM

To Kill a Mockingbird

..a story exposing e roots of human behavior told from e perspective of an innocent little girl

..a book worth reading

Friday, January 9, 2009
goodbyes. 6:37 PM

writin bout Kristin reminded me of e song lyric my ex wrote to me once when we parted.

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up...

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

aaaaaw i hate goodbyes.